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Test Code Validation

Documentation for tests/osaka/eip7692_eof_v1/eip5450_stack/[email protected].

Generate fixtures for these test cases for Osaka with:

fill -v tests/osaka/eip7692_eof_v1/eip5450_stack/ --fork Osaka

Code validation of CALLF, JUMPF, RETF opcodes in conjunction with static relative jumps.

Test Functions Overview

Name Type Cases (Osaka) Description
test_rjumps_callf_retf eof_test 832 Test EOF container validaiton for EIP-4200 vs EIP-4750 interactions.
test_rjumps_jumpf_nonreturning eof_test 104 Test EOF container validaiton for EIP-4200 vs EIP-6206 interactions on non-returning