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Test EOFCREATE Failures

Documentation for tests/prague/eip7692_eof_v1/eip7620_eof_create/[email protected].

Generate fixtures for these test cases for Pragueeip7692 with:

Pragueeip7692 only:

fill -v tests/prague/eip7692_eof_v1/eip7620_eof_create/ --fork=PragueEIP7692 --evm-bin=/path/to/evm-tool-dev-version

For all forks up to and including Pragueeip7692:

fill -v tests/prague/eip7692_eof_v1/eip7620_eof_create/ --until=PragueEIP7692

Test good and bad EOFCREATE cases

Test Functions Overview

Name Type Cases Description
test_initcode_revert state_test 4 Verifies proper handling of REVERT in initcode
test_initcode_aborts state_test 1 Verifies correct handling of a halt in EOF initcode
test_eofcreate_deploy_sizes state_test 12 Verifies a mix of runtime contract sizes mixing success and multiple size failure modes.
test_eofcreate_deploy_sizes_tx state_test 12 Verifies a mix of runtime contract sizes mixing success and multiple size failure modes
test_auxdata_size_failures state_test 12 Exercises a number of auxdata size violations, and one maxcode success
test_eofcreate_insufficient_stipend state_test 4 Exercises an EOFCREATE that fails because the calling account does not have enough ether to
test_insufficient_initcode_gas state_test 1 Excercises an EOFCREATE when there is not enough gas for the initcode charge
test_insufficient_gas_memory_expansion state_test 1 Excercises an EOFCREATE when the memory for auxdata has not been expanded but is requested
test_insufficient_returncontract_auxdata_gas state_test 1 Excercises an EOFCREATE when there is not enough gas for the initcode charge
test_static_flag_eofcreate state_test 16 Verifies correct handling of the static call flag with EOFCREATE
test_eof_eofcreate_msg_depth state_test 8 Test EOFCREATE handles msg depth limit correctly (1024).