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Test CREATE Returndata

Documentation for tests/constantinople/eip1014_create2/[email protected].

Generate fixtures for these test cases for Istanbul with:

Istanbul only:

fill -v tests/constantinople/eip1014_create2/ --fork=Istanbul --evm-bin=/path/to/evm-tool-dev-version

For all forks up to and including Istanbul:

fill -v tests/constantinople/eip1014_create2/ --until=Istanbul

Return data management around create2 Port call_outsize_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasizeFiller.json test Port call_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasizeFiller.json test

Test Functions Overview

Name Type Cases Description
test_create2_return_data state_test 48 Validate that create2 return data does not interfere with previously existing memory